Thursday, August 25, 2011


For a long time, the working title of this blog was "Putting the Rage in Anchorage."  I decided against this, though, because I didn't want people to think that I was angry all of the time.  However, while I might not be angry *all* of the time, I'm definitely angry *some* of the time, especially when I am, for example, cold.  Which, let's be honest, I'll probably be about 95% of the time next year.

I hit my head on a metal bar this morning (which the hotel had strategically placed right above a good luggage spot), and I then learned, while raging, that my road trip has been brewing some frustrations.  For example:

1. Why the HECK is it so cold here?  It's August, people.  Not November.  And stop raining, Canada.  Your trees look great.  They don't need anymore water.

2. When hotel employees answer the phone, they simply say "hello?"  And then I have to ask, "is this such-n-such hotel?"  And they always say "yes" in a tone that suggests "duh" and I think to myself: You're running a business here, buddy!!  The customer is always right and I am the customer so I am right AAAHH!!

3. I'm sick of eating the kind of food you have to eat while traveling.  That salmon was great, but everything else has been . . . fried.  I want Thai food.  Or good (actually good) pizza and a nice bottle of wine.  Or some Levain's cookies (  Or Chuy's!  Chuy's = best TexMex ever (

OK I think that's about it for now.  More raging throughout the year, I'm sure.

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