Thursday, September 8, 2011

Working Girl

Full disclosure: I had another post up for a while, but decided it was too pretentious, so I deleted it.  First, allow me to present the non-pretentious portions of that post:

Well I'm pooped.  But work starts tomorrow, so if I'm going to update, then it's time to get 'er done.

First, I was out of town this weekend to attend the wedding of a dear friend.  The wedding was beautiful, the couple was happy, and everything went off without a hitch.  It was, in a way, a perfect bookend for the next year.  I got to dress up, dance into the wee hours of the night, and see a lot of old friends.  But it was bittersweet.  It reminded me of how much I'll miss everyone, and I had to bid farewell to the Companion the next morning.

So, alone, I traveled back up to Alaska, this time by plane.  Alaska is, of course, beautiful even when viewed from the window of a run-of-the-mill flight.

OK that's it for that last post.  Since then, I have in fact started work, and have been settling in to my day-to-day life here.

My job and my co-workers all seem great.  But let's get down to brass tacks: how's my office?  Well, since you asked . . . it's awesome!  I have what people refer to as "Mad Men" furniture, my huge window overlooks the water, and we're close to the air force base, so I often see planes landing and taking off.  The train tracks run by, and there's an active harbor, so there is plenty of interesting stuff to see.  And, since this is Alaska and all, it's beautiful.

I've been running on the Tony Knowles Coastal Trail, which offers nice views of the water, the mountains, and, on the way back, of the Anchorage skyline.

As great as this has all been, though, I must admit that I'm already worried about the weather.  On the days where it's in the 50's and raining I am not a happy camper.  I'm trying to decide if I should buy a special lamp, a special alarm clock, or both.  Any suggestions?

I'll try to get more pics up sometime soon, but for now I have to go figure out what, if anything, I'm making for a pot luck tomorrow.


  1. Jim Gaffigan is hilarious. Sometimes I think of you talking in that voice he uses for the audience. :) I think if you're going to spend on a special light thing, I would think the lightbox would be more versatile and beneficial. And taking Vitamin D. Good luck!

  2. Kamy, I'd definitely get the special lamp. My sister has one and it seems to really help. So excited for this new adventure in your life!

  3. Sigh, this is your Mom speaking and I've been saying you should get a lamp since 2002. So, please get the lamp.
