Saturday, February 4, 2012

Ignorance Is Bliss

One of my favorite things about this year has been lunch.  Almost every weekday, several (if not all) of my coworkers and I gather in the library and eat our lunch together.  Given that you have to be a special kind of person to take this job in the first place, that's quite the cast of characters.  The conversations do not disappoint. 

Most recently we discussed: is ignorance really bliss?  When we say "ignorance is bliss," one coworker pointed out, "we're not talking about ignorance of who has the right of way at a four-way stop."  We're talking about the big stuff.  Infidelity.  Incurable illness.  Those sorts of things. 

To help keep the conversation under control we settled on: if the world were ending in one week, would you want to know?  We all said yes.  We then quickly realized that if everyone knew the world were ending in a week, travel would be impossible, so we'd never be able to make it back to the lower 48 . . . so what would we do if we had seven days in Anchorage prior to the world's end?

Some highlights:
1.  Not one of us would spend any time watching TV.
2.  One of us would, however, watch this video "probably three times."
3.  We all agreed that crashing a car into a house would be awesome.
4.  We also wanted to see how fast our cars could go, drive a car off a cliff, and "execute a perfect J-turn."

So . . . is ignorance bliss?  And what would you do if you had seven days left but couldn't spend it huddled up with your significant other or parents?